据央视新闻2月12日消息,目前,影片《哪吒之魔童闹海》总票房91.82亿,进入全球影史票房榜前25名,成为首部进入全球票房榜前25亚洲电影。 连日来,《哪吒之魔童闹海》一路高歌猛进、捷报频传。据网络平台数据,《哪吒之魔童闹海》累计票房(含预售)超《超人总动员2》票房成绩,进入全球动画电影票房榜前五。 美国媒体《纽约时报》11日发表了一篇题为《谁需要好莱坞?中国动画电影打破票房纪录》的文章,报道了中国动画电影《哪吒2》的票房成功。 报道指出,《哪吒2》在上映不到两周的时间里,已经成为中国影史上票房最高的电影,票房收入超过10亿美元。这是第一部非好莱坞电影公司制作的票房突破这一纪录的电影。报道认为,近年来中国电影市场对本土制作的关注度逐渐提升,观众对好莱坞大片的依赖有所淘汰。报道引用了一些中国电影行业业内人士的观点,其中一位中国独立电影评论家表示:“《哪吒2》是一部能够满足不同条理观众需求的电影,它吸引了各个年事段和不同背景的观众,并成功赢得了他们的喜爱。” 《纽约时报》在其报道中节选了《中国日报》的一篇评论文章的部分文字,并称该文章指出《哪吒2》象征着中国“日益增强的文化自信”。“《哪吒2》重拾了讲故事的魅力,证明没有人能比中国更好地讲述中国神话。” 该报道还提到,中国传统文化也启发了其他娱乐形式的突破。在电子游戏方面,改编自16世纪中国经典小说《西游记》的《黑神话:悟空》去年推出后立即大受接待。 以下为《中国日报》完整评论文章: Ne Zha 2: Redefining excellence in Chinese animated films In the ever-evolving landscape of animation, few characters have captured the attention of audiences as Ne Zha. Five years after the blockbuster success ofNe Zha: Birth of the Demon Child (Ne Zha 1), the sequel,Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea (Ne Zha 2), has once again proven the enduring attraction of traditional characters when infused with contemporary spirit. The traditional image of Ne Zha, a rebellious yet righteous hero, has been reshaped to resonate with modern audiences. This blend of myth and contemporary values showcases how traditional stories can be revitalized for new generations. Up to now,Ne Zha 2has surpassedStar Wars: The Force Awakensto become the highest-grossing film in a single market globally, redefining the pinnacle of Chinese animation. The making ofNe Zha 2is a testament to the collective strength of China's animation industry. With 1,900 special effects shots and over 10,000 special effects elements, the film is a visual masterpiece. Over a hundred domestic animation teams and more than 4,000 professionals collaborated on this epic project. Film teams from popular franchises such asBoonie Bears,Deep Sea, andWhite Snakejoined forces, bringing their unique talents and expertise to create a cohesive and stunning cinematic experience inNe Zha 2. This collaboration highlights the unity and innovation within China's animation community. Crafting perfection frame by frame The pursuit of perfection is evident in every frame ofNe Zha 2. The behind-the-scenes team, represented by director Jiao Zi, has shown an unwavering commitment to artistic excellence, with scenes such as the 10-second "Heart-Piercing Curse" taking over a year to be perfect. The intricate details, such as the millions of hair-like chains that appeared chaotic yet orderly, showcase the team's meticulous craftsmanship. Director Jiao Zi's philosophy of setting seemingly unattainable goals and then striving to achieve them has driven the team to push the boundaries of animation. Their dedication to treating each work as their last ensures that every project is a labor of love and a tribute to the art of storytelling. One of the most striking aspects ofNe Zha 2is its celebration of traditional Chinese culture, including elements such as Taoism, traditional motifs, Sichuan dialect, and the Sanxingdui civilization. Additionally, the film incorporates a rich tapestry of musical elements, such as the hauntingly beautiful Dong ethnic chanting, the vibrant sounds of traditional instruments such as the suona (a double-reed woodwind instrument), pipa (a four-stringed Chinese lute), flute, and the powerful Mongolian throat singing. These musical styles not only enhance the film's atmosphere but also bring the unique cultural heritage of China's ethnic minorities to a global audience, showcasing the country's rich and diverse cultural landscape. Cultural confidence and global appeal Ne Zha 2is more than just a film; it is a symbol of China's growing cultural confidence. As the Chinese film market continues to expand and capture international attention, the success ofNe Zha 2demonstrates the power of Chinese stories to resonate with global audiences. The global reach of Chinese culture is not an act of self-admiration but an invitation for the world to appreciate the richness of its narratives. As Western studios increasingly mine Chinese lore (e.g., Disney'sMulan),Ne Zha 2reclaims the storytelling mantle, proving that no one can narrate China's myths better than China itself. In conclusion,Ne Zha 2is a triumph of Chinese animation, showcasing the industry's ability to revitalize traditional characters, unite creative forces, and push the boundaries of artistic expression. It is a celebration of Chinese culture and a testament to the power of storytelling. As China's cultural influence continues to grow, films such asNe Zha 2are not only entertaining audiences but also building bridges between cultures and fostering a sense of global community. 来源:中国日报、红星新闻、央视新闻 来源:https://view.inews.qq.com/k/20250212A0372X00 免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作! |